getting ready for Thelma's

Sam spoke with Cosima yesterday and she was a bit sore from all the physical therapy this past week. She is taking the weekend to recover a bit and get ready to start the process again.

On Monday she is going to check out the place where she would have ongoing physical therapy as an out patient when she is at Thelma's. The facility is about 45 minutes away from the house so it shouldn't be too far to drive for her appointments.

She is still having a few digestive issues but said she is going to "power through them" and with time is thinking it will improve.

Having the date to go home is very exciting and Cosima and Thelma are making plans to ensure she will be comfortable there and that her space is set up. Someone has offered a new bed for the bedroom and they are working on other things to ensure it all is ready for her. The 22nd will be here soon so they want to have it all set up.

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