busy busy

Cosima told Sam that it was a very busy day. She had quite a few visitors today so she enjoyed getting to catch up with them.

She is having physical therapy each day during the work week and it is going well. For the last 1 1/2 days she has been off her pain medications. She is having a bit of pain but it isn't unbearable. Cosima is hoping being off the pain medication will help reduce her stomach pain and make it easier for her to digest her food as well.

In addition to all the other activity the nursing center has had Halloween trick or treaters coming in to get candy and visit the residents. I think this is great especially as most of the residents are older and am sure it is a treat for them to have children visit and see them in their costumes. I love Halloween and would be delighted to have trick or treaters come by for 2 days before the holiday - maybe I will have to figure this one out.

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