therapy continues

Cosima had her physical therapy appointment on Tuesday. It sounds like it was pretty intense and the therapist had her do quite a bit. She was using various pulleys and weights so they are making sure she is getting the most out of the visit.

Right now she is at 1 physcial therapy appointment per week so it has to really count. On her own she is continuing to ride the stationary work and practice the exercises she has learned from the therapists. She is definitely making sure she is continuing to get her exercises in on a daily basis.

Zach actually went back on Monday - somehow I thought it was Tuesday so that was my error. They had a great visit together. Zach was able to help get the studio at Thelma's ready for Cosima so she can start using it to paint in or for anything else she wants to do.

Cosima had worked hard last year to clean up the building and had really fixed it up so she could do some work there. Zach was able to put the finishing touches on it and it is ready for her use. Turns out the timing was excellent and now she will have a place where she can work and a space she can escape to. Makes me want to somehow have Sam make me my own studio - a space to be creative seems like so much fun. Lets hope he is reading this though not sure where it would go.

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